Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

So as you know today is Palm Sunday. In Jerusalem it is a big deal. Palm sunday is to celebrate and remember the Savior's Triumphal entry into Jerusalem. This morning we went to the Church of the Holy Seplechure to a service. It was really amazing! There were lots of people packed in the church surrounding the Holy Seplechure. There are 3 different christian faiths that are present in the Church so they each had their own service. Alot of times at the same time. The one that we watched was the Catholic procession. They came in dressed in their Catholic clothing and they did some kind of service in front of the Seplechure itself. I couldn't hear them plus they weren't speaking english. After that they (there was A LOT of them) walked around the Seplechure in a procession carrying palm fronds. The organ was playing while the procession was going around the seplechure. It was beautiful! It was amazing to see all the different faiths come together because of their faith in Jesus Christ. We all got some palm fronds as they walked around and we were supposed to wave them in the air as they went around. Below is me with my one frond leave. I didn't have any when i first came but one of the priests I think pulled one off of his big one and gave it to me. I throughly enjoyed it. The pictures don't do it justice and i wish you could hear the music that was played.

Later today we were in a big procession where we carried palm fronds as we walked the route that the Savior went when He made is triumphal entry.
There were SO many people there as you can see the streets are packed. It was really neat to see all the different Christian faiths come out to celebrate this glorious occasion. In Jerusalem the majority of the people are either Jewish or Mulsim and although i deeply respect and love all the people who live here it was nice to see a gathering of people that share my faith in the Savior Jesus Christ.
This is just a fun picture i took of the Franciscan monks. They were so nice. I asked them if i could take their picture and they smiled real big and were excited for me to just that. After the picture they thanked me for taking it. There are such wonderful people that live here in the Holy Land. I am thankful everyday that I have had the opportunity to be here and get to know them.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

How dare you not watch conference!
Just kidding! I was thinking about you this morning and wondering what you were getting to experience as you were in the Holy Land for the Easter holiday! I can't wait to hear your stories when you get home! (Over and over and over again... just kidding again.. sort of) I love ya!!! I miss you like crazy!