Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today we went on a field trip to the park like a national reserve place. You have a guide that takes you around and teaches you about the land during the Bible times and the different practices during the Bible times. The first thing we went to was a well. We talked about how Rebekka drew water from a well and how important water and wells were in Bible times. It was really neat to really think about how much work it really was for Rebekkah to draw water for Isaacs servant as well as his camels. To get enough water for all of his camels and him she would of had to draw about 300 times from the well.

After that we went over to a place where we were able to try and herd the sheep and the goats around to different places. This was really fun. I'm not going to lie though our group didn't do good at all. That's alright though because we had a lot of fun in the process. After we that we talked about how Shephards herded their sheep and how this related to the great leaders in the Bible that were Shephards: Abraham, Moses, David, and the most important the Savior Jesus Christ. A Shephard when he heards sheep and goats he will walk beind the flock. Why does he do this? He walks behind to make sure none of them gets lost and to help those that are weak and are struggling. This is how great leaders are. Especially our Savior Jesus Christ who was the perfect example of a leader.

We also were able to make our own spices by crushing it in a hand grinder. It was really fun but i have to admit the spice we made didn't taste that good.

For lunch they took us to where we made our own pitas or unleavened bread. This is what we cooked them on. This picture is so funny of me. I look like a little kid. :)

We also were able to see a real torah scribe writing a torah scroll. Over here people have professions of writing the torah scrolls that they use in the synogogues. Its a long process to get a torah scroll written. All in all I thought today was really fun and I was able to learn a lot of things.


Alyssa said...

not fair! Again : ) great photos.

Heather Carroll said...

Steen I love your stories so much. thank you for posting them. :] I hope I get to see you before I leave. when do you come home?